Saturday, April 2, 2011

How Computer's Work.

This essay should give you some basic and advanced information on computer's and how they work. Computer's have helped humanity since they were invented, and now they are very popular and almost everyone has one. Now-a-day's they are easier and cheaper to make, especially now that there are PC's (Personal Computer's) which can be carried around. Everyone immediately thinks of computer's or something similar when someone say's technology. But, technology is pretty much anything man-made. Even something as simple as a shirt or a piece of paper is technology, even though they are just very low-tech.

Below there is a picture of the Four Layer Model. The four layer model show's the main four point's about Computer's. As seen below: Hardware, Software,Network and People. I shall explain all four of those in my essay.
"Four Layer Model" 


The hardware of a computer, are the actual physical part's of the computer. Without certain hardware the computer could have many problem's and not work, if a computer doesn't work when it is turned on. It should give a signal of beep's. Count the beep's and search it. The amount of beep's show's what is wrong, E.g. Some part is missing, a piece of hardware is broken, etc.

The main six component's included in a computer, are:
1. Hard Drive
The hard drive is the memory storage. It store's all the information you tell it to permanently. The operating system's (If you have more than one in you computer), file's and application's.

2. CPU.
Without the CPU (Central Processing unit) the computer would not work properly. The CPU also operates most of the software in the computer.

3. Mother Board.
The mother board connects most of the hardware together. And without the motherboard the conputer cannot work, because

4. Ram.
The RAM (Random Access Memory) temporarily save's data temporarily until it is put into the hard drive. If the computer is turned off, and if there is still data in the RAM all that data will be lost. If the RAM is full it will remove older data for new data.

5. Power Supply.
The power supply explains itself in the name. It uses the electricity to supply for the whole computer.

6. Case.
The case is not too important, it only protect's the computer hardware. But the computer could still work without the case.

So without those six component's, the computer cannot work. They are all put inside the case, and most the component's (Most of the hardware in the computer) are connected to the Mother Board.


Software also known as Computer Software as software is usually designed for computer use. Software are usually called Application's like E.g. Word, Safari, Firefox, Page's, Itune's etc. So software is just an application designed to do a certain task, like Safari, is designed to access the internet. Word, is a writing application, etc.


A network is a connection between computer's and website's E.g.,, (Even smaller websites you might have never heard of) etc. It is also called the internet. Basically put, the internet is most network's attached together to make a huge network "Network of network's". File's like picture's are sent through the internet, this work's like:

The picture is divided into packets. 
The packets try to find the fastest route.
If a certain route is cut, the packets will find an alternative route.
The packets have millions of different routes to take as the internet is just many connections between networks.
If a packet is lost somehow during the process, the computer will send a request to get another one of the certain packets which were not received.
Usually the packets arrive in the correct order to save time, but sometimes other packets will arrive before others, but no worries.
The computer will rearrange them to make the correct picture.

[I chose this website, because I use this website a lot for many subjects, because it has a lot of information on almost anything.]
[I chose this website, because I think it explained the CPU very well]

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