Tuesday, February 22, 2011

The Internet and how it works.

Have you ever wondered how a picture is loaded and why it is loaded bit by bit.

In today's lesson we had made a video to explain how it works. But if the video is too confusing, or you won't bother to watch it, just read below how the internet works with sending images.

Well, first of all:
The picture is divided into packets. (Experiment, your computer sends a request to google HQ, then they send back the packets the fastest route possible, in a matter of seconds)
The packets try to find the fastest route.
If a certain route is cut, the packets will find an alternative route. No need to worry, the packets have millions of different routes to take as the internet is just many connections between networks.
 "Network of networks"
If a packet is lost somehow during the process, the computer will send a request to get another one of the certain packets which were not received.
Usually the packets arrive in the correct order to save time, but sometimes other packets will arrive before others, but no worries. The computer will rearrange them to make the correct picture.

Here is an image of what people think the internet would look like if it had a appearance
The large white dots/circles are estimated to be Google, facebook etc. and the internet is mainly, a web of networks put together as one.

Thank you.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Computer Recap

First of all before we start talking about how we put everything together, I think you should know the top 6  components of a computer.
1) Mother Board
2) Hard Drive
3) Ram
4) CPU
5) Power Supply
6) Case

1) First we placed the mother board inside the case and attached it firmly with screws.
2) We inserted the CPU into a small slot with a lid in the mother board.
3) We attached the fan near the mother board on the side with screws.
4) Attach the Hard Drive and Power supply near the front of the computer.
5) Put all the wires in the slots they fit in. You will know where to put them as they are marked with either numbers/letters and colors.
6) Only put one Ram in the mother board.
7) Do a smoke test with the computer. If the computer works and doesn't smoke or make any beeping noises then continue.
8) Then attach the disk drive.
9) Try the smoke test with more Ram this time. If it worked continue.
10) Attach the case with screws and install a software.